PASSED – 2023
I Lost a Friend
I lost a special friend today, the kind you can’t replace, and looking at his empty bed, I still can see his beautiful face.I know he’s in a special place our Lord has for such friends, where meadows, fields & flowers help make them strong and whole again. I know he’s watching over me, he’ll be with me when I cry, so with one more kiss on his beloved head, I told my friend goodbye.
Author Unknown
Moose came to us from Junction, TX in January of 2022. He had been rescued from a crack house where he had spent most of his life until law enforcement raided the place. He was fortunate to find temporary sanctuary with a wonderful foster family in Junction but then the director of the shelter in Junction reached out to us to see if he could move to Dog Lodge. He came with another little dog named Lady. Moose had severe dental disease and he suffered periodic seizures. But with all of that, he was the sweetest little guy. After several visits and stays with our veterinarian, Moose’s condition was greatly improved.
At the age of 12 1/2, Moose was actually thriving. We decided that both he and Lady would do well in a foster home and right about that time, we were introduced to a wonderful family in Guthrie, OK who were thrilled by the prospect of the two little dogs living with them. And so, off they went…
Moose lived happily with his new family (including Lady) for more than a year. In June of 2023 however, he had a stroke. The veterinarian at the emergency clinic determined that he would not recover, and it was time to say goodbye.
Moose had been so lucky to spend the time that he did with the Coultes family in Guthrie. They loved him and gave him the very best care. Thank you, Tammy, for giving him such a wonderful final year and being with him at the end. He will always be in your heart…