PASSED – 2023
Shelby, a King Charles Cavalier, had the personality of an angel. She was as sweet and as gentle as she was beautiful. Yes, she was old and yes, she was dealing with a number of physical issues. She had been deaf from birth and had started experiencing difficulties with her balance long before she came to us. She began to have more trouble walking and began to fall on a regular basis. There were other internal issues that she had to deal with as well. With all of this, she never lost her sweetness.
Sadly, all the problems led to her total physical decline, and it was obvious that she was beginning to withdraw. It was time to say goodbye to this little girl. Our hearts were broken again…
Thank you, Brian, for letting us share in her life. Thank you for being there for her at the end…
Run fast, run free sweet Shelby and know that you were well-loved…
A Short Goodbye
Please don’t be sad, for I am not gone.
When you hear the wind, you will hear my song.
When you think of me, I will be there.
When you need me to listen, I’ll hear your prayer.
I am not gone. I am not past.
Grieve no more, make this tear your last.
Remember the happiness, the fun that we had.
Remember the good, forget all the sad.
Please do not mourn, please do not cry.
For this my dear is but a short goodbye.
Stephanie Laird