Delilah was the first dog to enter the Dog Lodge Sanctuary program. She was originally found wandering the streets in Brazoria County in late March of 2018, picked up by Animal Control and taken to the Brazoria County Shelter. We found out about her from a good friend.
Delilah is a sweet terrier mix, weighing approximately 15 lbs., and is totally blind. Her sight impairment is secondary to advanced glaucoma. She is also heartworm positive. She will be starting heartworm treatment soon.
Being blind does not seem to slow this cutie down. It is not unusual to see her trotting, nose to the ground, looking for her “baby” so that she can shake it mercilessly, or her nylon bone that she enjoys gnawing on. However, as you can imagine, not being able to see has caused Delilah to be very cautious when another dog is close by. She needs to be the one who approaches. This works well at the Sanctuary because the other dogs are pretty laid back and unreactive.
Loving this little girl is so easy and we are thrilled to have her with us.
UPDATE AS OF DECEMBER 2022 – We wanted to let you know a few things about Delilah. First of all, her heartworm treatment was successful and she suffers no ill effects. Unfortunately, she has recently begun to exhibit the first signs of congested heart failure.
Shortly after Delilah’s arrival it became obvious that her experiences when she was living on the streets of Brazoria County were far more traumatic for her because of her blindness. She began to exhibit an increasing uneasiness around the larger dogs in our group. This was an obvious concern. We made the decision that Delilah would have a better quality of life if she were able to live in an environment where any companions were her size or smaller. We were extraordinarily fortunate that one of our volunteers stepped up to offer Delilah a home on a permanent foster basis and Delilah has been living with her ever since. The change is nothing less than amazing. Instead of aging it would appear that Delia has only gotten younger. Obviously, that’s not the case, but her boundless energy and love of life belie her senior years.

Sugar is a Chihuahua who is as gentle and loving as can be. She can be a little nervous when she is new to a situation but, given a little time, she settles in nicely. Everybody is her friend. Sugar loves to sleep in a lap but, more than that, she loves massaging rubs especially on the back of her neck and on her tummy.
Just like Wolfie, Sugar loves to explore outside – but she does it very slowly and deliberately. We make sure that we have lots of time when we walk her because it’s walk for 30 seconds and sniff for 2 minutes, walk for 30 seconds and sniff for 2 minutes. Oh well, does it really matter if she’s enjoying herself?
Sugar wants to be held and loved on all the time. This absolutely sweet little girl will put a smile on your face. As of January of 2025, she has reached the age of 17 and is still going strong…

Minky is living happily
with her permanent foster family in Hempstead, TX.

Kirby is living happily
with her permanent foster family in Prairie Lea, TX.

Lady is living happily
with her permanent foster family in Guthrie, OK.

Wolfie is a senior Chihuahua who has all kinds of personality. He came to us from the Houston Humane Society and has been a wonderful addition to our group. After a very nervous beginning, Wolfie has settled in and there is rarely a time when his tail is not wagging. He loves to be in a lap and scratching his neck gently will put him to sleep.
Wolfie loves to explore in the yards – he trots around with his nose in the air catching all the scents in the air keeping watch for the deer who graze at the edge of the woods. If he sees one, then he suddenly changes to his “Great Dane” persona, barking his warning that the deer had better not approach.
Visitors need to let Wolfie approach them. He feels more comfortable if he initiates the contact. But once he knows someone, they too get the loving greeting and snuggles that the little fellow bestows on his people.

Grady is a Chihuahua/terrier mix who comes to us from the Humane Society of North Texas, Saxe-Forte Animal Shelter in Fort Worth. He is the sweetest little guy who was rescued from a hoarding situation. As is typical for the dogs coming into Dog Lodge, he is not only a senior, but he has some physical problems that he is dealing with too. The list of issues includes an inguinal hernia, dental disease, a heart murmur, an old pelvic fracture, degenerative joint disease of the neck, elbow, lumbar spine and hips, and chronic allergic dermatitis probably from a flea allergy. He weighs in at 13.5 lbs.
After going through his intake medical examination at ABC Animal and Bird Clinic in Sugar Land, Grady started his 10-day quarantine at our clinic at Dog Lodge. And then he met the other residents. We have a tried-and-true protocol for introducing the dogs and Grady was accepted into the group with no problems at all.
Grady is a funny little man who walks with a very distinct limp. He takes pain meds to help ease his discomfort and gets a medicated bath every week to help the skin on his back which had turned black and hard. It’s working!! The hair is already starting to grow back.
Grady is enjoying all the attention and “lovin’” that he is getting from the staff and volunteers. His favorite bed is the one that sits on top of a Kuranda bed. He climbs up to it as if he were scaling a mountain. He lies on top surveying everything and everyone around him, totally content.
My thanks go to Vanessa and Danielle from Humane Society of North Texas, first for reaching out to us about Grady and then for driving him from Fort Worth to Fairfield where I met them. Thank you for helping to make Grady’s transition so smooth. Thank you for what you do….

Charlie was living on the street, roaming with a group of dogs, when Rachel Swift saw him and rescued him. She took him in and had a preliminary vet evaluation done and then contacted us to see if he might be a candidate for the Dog Lodge program. It took a while but after we were able to meet Charlie and do our behavioral evaluation, we decided that he would be a perfect fit for Dog Lodge.
Charlie is as sweet as they come. He wants love, love, and more love. He is so gentle and patient. For a dog that was roaming the streets, he is amazingly well adjusted and has fit in beautifully with the other residents.
Our medical evaluation showed that Charlie is high heartworm positive. We are giving him his prep meds in order to begin heartworm treatment. Additionally, X-rays showed that Charlie’s hip problems, originally diagnosed as dysplasia before he arrived at Dog Lodge, are actually the result of traumatic injury to his hip that healed improperly. The nature of the injury leads us to believe that he was probably hit by a car. The hip is so badly injured that Charlie is not a candidate for a standard hip replacement, but rather he would need to have a much more sophisticated surgery to rebuild the whole hip. In the meantime, we have him on meds to keep him comfortable and as pain free as possible. Surprisingly, his condition only slows him down a little bit. He has learned to bunny hop and he still loves to go on short walks.
This is one happy pooch, and we are thrilled to have him with us.

Hope is living happily
with her permanent foster family in Arlington, TX.

PASSED – 2024
Sleep my innocent little baby
Do not stay because of tears within my eye.
Join the others & live in happiness
Across the Rainbow Bridge within the sky.
Let the light of the many colors
Bring you warmth & free from pain,
Forever in my heart you live
Until we meet again.
Sleep my innocent little baby
For your time has come for rest.
I hand you gently to the angels
My life you made so blessed.
I love you to the moon and back
A light within my life you shine.
And I am proud to say that I am yours
And you forever mine.
By Douglas Atherton

PASSED – 2023
Shelby, a King Charles Cavalier, had the personality of an angel. She was as sweet and as gentle as she was beautiful. Yes, she was old and yes, she was dealing with a number of physical issues. She had been deaf from birth and had started experiencing difficulties with her balance long before she came to us. She began to have more trouble walking and began to fall on a regular basis. There were other internal issues that she had to deal with as well. With all of this, she never lost her sweetness.
Sadly, all the problems led to her total physical decline, and it was obvious that she was beginning to withdraw. It was time to say goodbye to this little girl. Our hearts were broken again…
Thank you, Brian, for letting us share in her life. Thank you for being there for her at the end…
Run fast, run free sweet Shelby and know that you were well-loved…
A Short Goodbye
Please don’t be sad, for I am not gone.
When you hear the wind, you will hear my song.
When you think of me, I will be there.
When you need me to listen, I’ll hear your prayer.
I am not gone. I am not past.
Grieve no more, make this tear your last.
Remember the happiness, the fun that we had.
Remember the good, forget all the sad.
Please do not mourn, please do not cry.
For this my dear is but a short goodbye.
Stephanie Laird

PASSED – 2024
Pumpkin, a Boston Terrier/Chihuahua mix, came to us from The Colony Animal Services in July of 2021. She was fourteen years old at the time. She had already had one eye removed when she was surrendered to the shelter. The reason for removal was unknown. However, the shelter veterinarian determined that Pumpkin had very little vision in the remaining eye due to glaucoma and so that eye was removed as well. On top of this, her intake medical examination performed by our veterinarian found that Pumpkin was also dealing with congestive heart failure.
In spite of these medical issues, Pumpkin was an amazingly energetic dog – that is, when she was not sleeping. I don’t think we had ever seen a dog that slept so deeply!! So deeply, in fact, that you could pick her up and move her from room to room and she wouldn’t wake up!! But when she was awake and ready for a walk, her gear changed to fast – as fast as possible.
Pumpkin may not have had eyes but that didn’t stop her from finding the treats. We hid them in a snuffle mat and of all the dogs at Dog Lodge, Pumpkin could find them the fastest.
For awhile, we thought that Pumpkin’s energy would go on forever! But in her 17th year everything changed. The changes that set upon her rapidly, both to her body and her personality, finally took away any quality of life for her. With great sadness we said goodbye…
We thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new
We thought about you yesterday
And days before that too.
Now all we have are memories
And a picture in a frame,
We think of you in silence,
We often speak your name.
Your memory is our keepsake,
With which we’ll never part.
God has you in his keeping,
We have you in our heart.

PASSED – 2023
Miranda and her husband found this little guy walking in the middle of the road and took him home. Nothing to identify him. Their vet estimated that this little Chihuahua was about 15 years old. He weighed in at just under 8 lbs. Most of his teeth were gone. After a few months, Miranda asked if we could take over his medical care because problems were getting more significant.
Lomy went through an extensive medical evaluation when he arrived at Dog Lodge. He had a laundry list of medical issues including stenosis of the spine and significant kidney issues. A course of prophylactic antibodies was prescribed for underlying infection, and he was given IV fluids for dehydration.
We love our dogs at Dog Lodge, and we work very closely with the veterinarians at Animal & Bird Clinic in Sugar Land. However, our effort is not to keep a dog alive at all costs. We do everything humanly possible to provide our dogs quality of life. Lomy received daily IV fluids for several weeks and his kidneys responded well at first. But then he went into general decline. He had a great deal of difficulty standing and he couldn’t walk without falling. He withdrew and when he refused to eat, we knew it was time to say goodbye. We were heartbroken.
Lomy was not with us for very long, but we will never forget him. Many thanks to Miranda and her husband for rescuing this “Little Old Man” from the streets of Galveston and getting him to us. He was loved to the end and beyond…
Goodbye little guy…
They Walk Beside Us
Those we love don’t go away.
They walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard, but always near
Still loved, Still missed, and very dear.

PASSED – 2020
Dear sweet Hedwig has left us. He came to us with so many problems and worked his way into the hearts of all of us. Special thanks to a very special lady for figuring out exactly what this little guy needed and becoming his “savior”. Thank you, Beryl Fisher, for all the special attention and love that you gave Hedwig while he was in our care.
Sadly, Hedwig’s health condition deteriorated and we were unable to keep him free from pain. We will always remember how he was transformed to a sweet, loving little guy as he had the opportunity to bond safely. I will always remember the joy he brought to so many….
A Silent Tear
Just close your eyes and you will see
All the memories that you have of me
Just sit and relax and you will find
I’m really still there inside your mind
Don’t cry for me now, I’m gone
For I am in the land of song
There is no pain, there is no fear
So dry away that silent tear
Don’t think of me in the dark and cold
For here I am, no longer old
I’m in that place that’s filled with love
Known to you all as “up above”
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2021
Our big, hairy, wobbly boy… he brought us joy every single day. His playful antics belied his age. He was such a happy fellow.
And then, he just got tired…
The medical issues continued and worsened to the point where we could no longer keep him comfortable.
Max took a little piece of all hearts when he left us. We will never forget how he made all our lives just a little bit better….
Until We Meet Again
We think about you always
We talk about you still.
You have never been forgotten
And you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts
And there you will remain.
To walk and guide us through our lives,
Until we meet again.
by Robert Bruce Rowe
Goodbye Max…
We love you…

PASSED – 2019
Is it ever easy to say good-bye? Perhaps what makes it so difficult to say farewell to Keats is that I marveled at how this dog lived her life while she was at Dog Lodge. I believe that everything happens for a reason. And so, I believe that Keats came into our lives for a reason – she came into our lives to teach us something, to remind us of something.
Don’t Quit!!!
It is inevitable that we will face challenges in our life – what is telling, is how we respond to those challenges…
Keats lived her last year on her terms. She was a wonderful old German Shepherd whose life was full of challenges. She dealt with one medical condition after another but she was brave and fearless and fought her way through it all. She recovered when we were told she wouldn’t; she walked when we were told she couldn’t. She even became a comforting and compassionate companion for Jet when Jet first entered our program.
Keats had a beautiful soul that shone through all her troubles and the obstacles she endured. She epitomized courage and resilience. I cried when she let me know that it was time to say good-bye and I cry as I write these words. This is the very difficult part of what we deal with at Dog Lodge. But past the sadness of loss, there is the knowledge that we were so very blessed to be able to care for Keats to her end.
Keats… Always in our hearts…
When Tomorrow Starts without Me
When tomorrow starts
Without me
And I’m not there to see
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
Are filled with tears for me…
I wish so much you
Wouldn’t cry
Though I know your heart aches so.
But remember
It was for the best
It was my time to go.
I know how much you love me…
As much as I love you.
And each time you’re thinking of me
I know you’ll miss me too.
When tomorrow starts without me
Don’t think we’re far apart
For every time you think of me
I’m right there in your heart.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2020
She started her life in California, moved to North Texas and then was surrendered to a shelter in Dallas. But thanks to Holly Dool and Camo Rescue, Cleo came to live at Dog Lodge at the end of June, 2018. She was so small and she had so many medical problems to deal with. Unlike so many diabetics who manage to keep control of glucose levels with insulin, Cleo’s diabetes was pretty much unresponsive to insulin. It took a year of investigation by our veterinarians, trying different insulins and feeding routines, but we were finally able to get her reasonably stable. Diabetic cataracts reduced her vision significantly. Mammary tumors led to mammectomies. And the list went on…
Such a tiny girl with so many problems. Sure, she slept a lot and sometimes she preferred to be left alone. However, it was not uncommon to find her checking out what was going on in amongst the big dogs who were always so careful around her lest she get under foot. She never did. But at other times… Well let me tell you that she could be an absolute munchkin – most especially at meal time. She was transformed from a sweet, docile, cuddly sweetheart into a she-devil. About an hour before meal time, she started yipping and yapping and pacing back and forth (unless she was outside, in which case she would go through the picket fence and into the flower bed and begin digging and digging and digging some more for no other reason than to let us know that we were not prepping her meal quickly enough.) Then she gobbled down her food, got her insulin injection and her diabetic cookie and promptly changed back to the cuddly sweetheart of old. Cleo lived life with enthusiasm and more often than not, that little tail was wagging even though she may not have been feeling all that well. Then, quite suddenly and with no warning at all, Cleo couldn’t breathe. Her bloodwork was completely normal but x-rays of her lungs showed something suspicious in both lobes. She was admitted to hospital where she spent 5 days in oxygen. Because the “masses” were bilateral, surgery was not an option. She was unresponsive to antibiotic treatment. Despite all of the efforts of a team of wonderful veterinarians, there was nothing that could be done to save her.
Our hearts are broken yet again. We mourn the loss of a little dog who was so dear and loved by all of us who were blessed to be able to care for her. We will remember her for the kisses and the cuddles; we will remember her for the way she greeted everyone when they entered Dog Lodge; we will remember her for the meal time antics that always made us smile; most of all we will remember her for her courage…
Love to you Cleo…
We will miss you…
Her Journey’s Just Begun
Don’t think of her as gone away –
her journey’s just begun,
life holds so many facets –
this earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of her as living
In the hearts of those she touched
For nothing loved is ever lost –
And she was loved so much.
by Ellen Brenneman

PASSED – 2020
Florence was one of the first dogs in residence at Dog Lodge Sanctuary. When she arrived, she was already a senior and had an extremely difficult time walking. She didn’t want to be touched because severe arthritis made all her joints very painful. It took some time, but we were finally able to get her reasonably comfortable and with that came a wonderful change in her personality. While she was never one to pal around with the others dogs, she did warm up to her caregivers and then to the volunteers. It was wonderful to see her get up from her bed in the living room and waddle slowly over to greet whoever was coming in. Everyone understood that in order to give Florence any attention it had to be on her terms. With all of her little quirks, we loved her dearly. But with advanced age came the inherent health issues and finally there were just too many for her to cope with. Her bed is empty now and everyone who knew her misses her terribly. Good bye sweet Florence….
Lucky Dog
My eyes are getting heavy now, my time has come to leave,
But one thing I must tell you as you stay behind to grieve…
You always did your best for me, your love it knew no end,
I really was a Lucky Dog to have you as a friend.
I see how much you miss me now,
Your days seem bleak and bare,
I know you well, your heart is big,
You still have love to share.
So please don’t sit and cry for me,
We’ll meet around the bend,
‘Til then another Lucky Dog
Is waiting for a friend.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2019
Once again, my heart is filled with sadness. Jasper has left us. Such a gentle soul… We will miss seeing him roll in the grass with such joy; we will miss his gentle nudging to get more rubs. But as much as we feel the loss, his very best buddy, Max, who keeps looking for Jasper in all the places that they used to spend time together, is going to need time to adjust to his absence.
Jasper was with us for almost a year and brought absolute joy to all who knew him. There was an aura of gentle peace that surrounded him and enveloped all who spent time with him.
I found a poem that gives me some degree of comfort at this difficult time. I can close my eyes and picture Jasper in his new forever home where he will never have another thing to worry about.
I Made It Home
I just wanted to let you all know that
I made it home. The journey wasn’t an easy one,
But it didn’t take too
Everything is so pretty here, so
White, so fresh and new. I wish that
You all could close your eyes and that
You could see it too.
Please try not to be sad for me. Try
To understand God is taking care of
Me… I’m in the shelter of His
Here there is no sadness, no sorrow,
And no pain. Here there is no crying
And I’ll never hurt again.
Here it is so peaceful when all the
Angels sing. I really have to go for
Now… I’ve just got to try my wings.
Author Unknown
Good-bye Jasper – you were loved – thank you for spending time with us – we will all miss you….

PASSED – 2017
A sweet girl who never had a chance. She had been hit by a car and her spine was fractured. Long before we were asked to take Josie into our program, the fracture had healed incorrectly and the consequences were devastating. It is no wonder that we were told that she cried every time she was put into her wheelchair and refused to move when she was in it. When she came to us, our veterinarian immediately began an evaluation, calling in multiple specialists all of whom came to the same conclusion. There was no way that we could care for Josie to allow her to have a happy, pain-free life. The injury was so severe and so painful that it would have required mega doses of pain medication to keep her comfortable. The problem then would be that those heavy doses of pain meds that she would require, would keep her so sedated that she would never be able to function normally.
We were heartbroken…
Our mission at Dog Lodge is to provide quality of life and here was Josie, so sweet, sensitive being who was suffering terribly and we couldn’t help her. Our veterinarian and the consulting specialists would have done anything they could to help Josie. When they told us that there was nothing that we could do to give Josie a meaningful life, the decision was made to let her pass with grace…
We had her for such a very short time. We loved her just the same. Goodbye sweet, Josie…
I held you in my arms
For such a short while
But you will forever be in my heart.

PASSED – 2024
Bayzil, originally from New Mexico, came to Dog Lodge Sanctuary via Camo Rescue in Houston in 2021. He was a senior, black Miniature Schnauzer mix. Bayzil had the sweetest personality – very quiet, very gentle… Certainly, he had had his fair share of medical issues including a ruptured eardrum and hearing deficit, and sadly, his vision had begun to fail him.
While Bayzil got along with all the dogs, it seemed that he would rather stay with staff and volunteers. He happily followed them around and everyone learned not to leave anything lying around because this inquisitive old man would get into it in a flash.
Bayzil was truly a happy addition to our residents’ group. Our hearts ached as his physical ailments began to take their toll, a terrible part of the aging process. We had to say farewell to our sweet Bayzil but his memory will always make us smile…
Look not where I was, for I am not there,
My spirit is free… I am everywhere.
In the air that you breathe, in the sounds that you hear,
Don’t cry for me, my spirit is near.
I’ll watch for you from the other side,
I’ll be the one running, old friends by my side.
Smile at my memory, remember in your heart
This isn’t the end, it’s a brand new start.

PASSED – 2023
Java was about as spunky as they come. Considering his fear issues, it really didn’t take long for him to warm to his new environment and to the staff and volunteers and before we knew it, he was settled in, welcoming attention, and looking for a lap that he could curl up on. He and his canine friends chased the squirrels in the yards, ran the fence lines with the deer and in short order, Java became very protective of “his friends” and “his yards” in that all too familiar Chihuahua way. Java’s passing was completely unexpected. There was certainly nothing in historic medical records that indicated a problem. Nor was there anything in his in-depth intake medical evaluation that would cause anyone to be suspicious of any medical issue. But, one morning right before breakfast we noticed blood coming from his nose. He was rushed to the clinic immediately. It was determined that he had a brain bleed. There is always grief when we lose one of our dogs, but in this case the grief was accompanied by a sharp reminder that we just never know how long any one of us has in this life. Java was not with us for nearly long enough but the love we felt for him was no less than for any other dog who has graced us with their presence at Dog Lodge.
We will miss you forever, Java…
Don’t grieve too long, for now I’m free, I’ve followed the path God has set for me.
I ran to Him when I heard His Call, I swished my tail and left it all.
I could not stay another day to bark, to love, to romp or play.
Games left unplanned must stay that way, I found such peace, it made my day.
My parting has left you with a void, please fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, your laugh, a kiss, oh yes, these things I too shall miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life has been full, you’ve given so much, your time, your love and gentle touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief, don’t lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your head and share with me, God wanted me, He set me free!
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2023
Missy and Jade were 13 ½ -year-old full sisters Black Mouth Cur/Catahoula Leopard mixes who came to us from Sadler, Texas at the end of 2019. They had lived together all their lives and were completely bonded. If they were separated for too long, they fretted terribly so we accommodated them in every way possible. They ate side-by-side in their room and shared a bedroom at night. We usually saw them sleeping on the same dog bed or on side-by-side beds – always within sight of each other. However, they also grumbled a lot! With seemingly no provocation, they would face each other and grinch and growl. It was actually very cute to watch since they didn’t do anything else except make a lot of noise and then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped, and they would wag their tails and lick each other’s muzzles. Just two old spinster sisters…
Both girls were very overweight when they arrived and so they were put on strict diets. They were given complete workups at our vet clinic prior to entering Dog Lodge. We were aware that they were dealing with a variety of old age-related ailments but with weight loss and appropriate medications, we had no problem keeping them comfortable and happy.
Both Missy and Jade fit into the Dog Lodge group beautifully. They were both so sweet and loved their walks and cuddles. They adapted very quickly to their new home and the routines and were settled and relaxed. They looked like they had lived here forever.
The older the girls got, the less they had to do with each other. It appeared that Missy’s health was declining more quickly than Jade’s and it became necessary to keep them separated most of the time since Jade became somewhat of a bully. Missy passed in mid-2022 in her 15th year. From that point on it appeared that Jade was never the same. She still wanted to chase the deer even though she couldn’t move as quickly as she once did. Sometimes she would just stop in the middle of the yard as if she had forgotten what it was she wanted to do.
Jade made it to the glorious old age of 16. She was ready to go and be with Missy once again. Her personality was a huge presence at Dog Lodge and she will be missed always…
We little knew that morning
That God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories,
Your love is still our guide.
And though we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.

PASSED – 2023
Martin and Maxtoo lived together in less than favorable conditions until their owner could no longer care for them. They had come to us as a bonded pair in 2018. Of the two, Martin was in somewhat better physical condition when he joined us. He had several oral issues that need to be attended to but had made the adjustment to his new home very well. Martin loved exploring when he was out on his walks. He was a bundle of joy who couldn’t get enough rubs, scratches and hugs from our volunteers. He certainly had a knack for putting a smile on your face….
It took a little bit of time for Martin to adjust after Maxtoo passed in 2020. For the next 3 years, he continued to be a loving sweetheart (with just a touch of OCD thrown in for good measure). And then he began to slow down and finally lost interest in everything. When he no longer wanted to walk, no longer wanted to interact with anyone and finally stopped eating, we knew he was ready to say goodbye.
This little man brought us such joy…
He takes a little piece of all our hearts with him…
If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
We’d walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again.
No farewell words were spoken, no time to say good-bye,
You were gone before we knew it, and only God Knows why.
Our hearts are still active in sadness, and secret tears still flow;
What it meant to lose you no one can ever know.
But now we know you want us to mourn for you no more,
To remember all the happy times; life still has much in store.
Since you’ll never be forgotten, we pledge to you today:
A hallowed place within our hearts is where you’ll always stay.

PASSED – 2023
We were contacted by The Humane Society of Central Texas in Waco about this little 11 lb. cutie in 2022. When Animal Control picked her up from the street, it was hard to tell that Winnie was actually a dog. She was in horrible condition. When she arrived from Waco, TX, we knew that she had a history of seizures and a host of other medical issues; she could only see shadows, she was almost totally deaf, and had severe dental decay and abscesses. Our vets had to do extensive dental work. She only had a few teeth left and thankfully the fistula that ran from the root of one tooth up into her nasal passage, caused by severe abscess healed well. But she just kept on going – sometimes grumpy (she really did not like to be picked up and she just barely tolerated pats), sometimes cuddly (for about a minute and then she struggled to be put down), always a medical challenge.
And then the seizures became more severe. They lasted longer and came more frequently. The medications she was taking were no longer effective. Finally, it was seizure after seizure. Little Winnie was just too fragile to continue this fight…
It is never easy for us to lose a dog. There is always such a huge sense of loss. It is no different in this case. But despite our best efforts and those of our vets, we could no longer provide any quality of life for Winnie. It was time to say good-bye…
Darling little Winnie… A tough little girl who it gave it her all… Be at peace…
A Pet’s Peace
I have left you now, but please don’t be sad,
you gave me all the love you had.
You did so much for me in my time here
and I'll always hold those precious times near.
I know someday you, ll find love again
and into our life will come a new friend.
Your heart will heal, though you’ll never forget
memories like the first time we met.
Memories are wonderful, so keep them close
and remember all the good times the most.
Up in the Heaven for animals is where I’ll be
and someday in the future, each other we’ll see.
I am at peace now, so please don’t be sad
You gave me all the love you had.
By Tracy M. Johnson

PASSED – 2023
I Lost a Friend
I lost a special friend today, the kind you can’t replace, and looking at his empty bed, I still can see his beautiful face.I know he’s in a special place our Lord has for such friends, where meadows, fields & flowers help make them strong and whole again. I know he’s watching over me, he’ll be with me when I cry, so with one more kiss on his beloved head, I told my friend goodbye.
Author Unknown
Moose came to us from Junction, TX in January of 2022. He had been rescued from a crack house where he had spent most of his life until law enforcement raided the place. He was fortunate to find temporary sanctuary with a wonderful foster family in Junction but then the director of the shelter in Junction reached out to us to see if he could move to Dog Lodge. He came with another little dog named Lady. Moose had severe dental disease and he suffered periodic seizures. But with all of that, he was the sweetest little guy. After several visits and stays with our veterinarian, Moose’s condition was greatly improved.
At the age of 12 1/2, Moose was actually thriving. We decided that both he and Lady would do well in a foster home and right about that time, we were introduced to a wonderful family in Guthrie, OK who were thrilled by the prospect of the two little dogs living with them. And so, off they went…
Moose lived happily with his new family (including Lady) for more than a year. In June of 2023 however, he had a stroke. The veterinarian at the emergency clinic determined that he would not recover, and it was time to say goodbye.
Moose had been so lucky to spend the time that he did with the Coultes family in Guthrie. They loved him and gave him the very best care. Thank you, Tammy, for giving him such a wonderful final year and being with him at the end. He will always be in your heart…

PASSED – 2024
Perhaps the only silver lining we have,
Is that at least we knew it was coming.
At least we had a chance to say goodbye
To scratch your ears and listen to your chest humming.
A small consolation, we know,
To a loss so devastating and unfair,
But the fact that we told you we loved you once more –
We will admit we find some comfort there.
We find some comfort in thinking you understood us
When we looked in your eyes that last time.
We find comfort in thinking that you found comfort too
In the moments before you crossed over the line.
We never knew, we will admit,
How much you understood of what we said,
How much all our words of love and affection
Crept through your fur to your head.
We have to believe you knew enough to know
How truly and deeply we loved you,
How badly we will miss you now that you are gone,
And how hard it was for us to let you go, too.

Nigel was our little angel. He had been wondering the streets in the heat of the summer of 2020 until he was found by a wonderfully compassionate gentleman who reached out to us and asked if we could help this little senior who definitely showed a lot of wear and tear.
Nigel lived life on his terms. He settled right in at Dog Lodge but though there was never any issue with the rest of the residents accepting him, Nigel kept pretty much to himself. He just did his own thing. He really gave us the impression that he just tolerated being held and loved on. A little bit of attention was ok, but if you patted him for too long, he would just get up and walk away. Actually, he did that with everyone so no one felt slighted.
Nigel made us laugh. He was perky, independent, and quirky! His front legs were stiff from arthritis – that didn’t slow him down, but he trotted around with a funny gait that made us smile.
Then, all too soon and all too quickly, Nigel’s health began to fail. In his case, it was not a gradual decline. The biggest problem was his loss of vision. The problem that he developed was so severe that one eye had to be removed. The surgery went well and he healed nicely. All the other issues were handled with medication. But over time, Nigel began to change. He lost his spunk. He lost his spark. He just began to withdraw.
Finally, it was as though Nigel just gave up – it was though he was ready to go. We said goodbye to our little angel with four paws.
Run fast, run far, sweet Nigel…
Be happy where you can see all, where there is no pain, where only fun and frolic await you…
PASSED – 2022
Everyone is taught that
Angels have wings, but
The lucky ones of us find
They have four paws.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2023
Here are truths about Beloved Friends that have gone before us:
– Angels come and bring them home
– They are God’s gifts to us
– They are safe
– They are whole, no more illness or suffering
– They miss us as much as we miss them
– They wait for us
– If companions here, then companions there, nothing changes
– Any mistakes pass away
– Those “dreams” we’ve had of them are really
Tiny real-life visits God allows to ease our aching hearts
And…if we live this life right, we will see them again.
By Annie Marie

PASSED – 2022
It’s amazing how many times I’ve said that one of our dogs lived life on their terms. And Pickle is another little guy who did just that. He was lucky to have found the perfect permanent foster family who had the experience and patience to deal with a 16 y.o. Yorkie. He had a personality twice as big as he was and a mind of his own. He loved his family unconditionally and it was mutual. Pickle got his name because he was, well, picky!! He was picky with food and picky with people! He loved to sleep on his bed up off the floor, like a king. He also enjoyed his walks to the stop sign and back and getting all the cuddles that he could.
Darling Pickle… you were loved and will never be forgotten…
I thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too.
I think of you in silence. I often speak your name.
All I have are memories,
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part.
God has you in His keeping.
I have you in my heart.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2023
I remember our last moment, right before you said goodbye,
I looked at you and you looked at me while tears filled up your eyes.
I know it’s hard to understand and I would have loved to stay,
But at some point, our name is called and mine was called today.
I’m grateful for your loving care until the very end,
Your choice, however difficult, proves that you were heaven sent.
For nothing speaks of tender love and sacrifice to me,
Than one whose heart was crumbling and yet still set me free.
The human term of “putting down” is wrong. It is a release.
You gave me the most precious gift when you granted me peace.
So, I will wait at the Rainbow Bridge until we meet again.
And then it’s licks and tail wags for you, the best of friends.

PASSED – 2022
He came to us in January of 2020. At the time, he weighed in at 104 lbs – large soulful eyes framed by huge ears and standing on long, long legs. From the day he arrived, there was no doubt that he was going to be a medical challenge. There were just so many things that he was dealing with including heart failure. Our goal was to get him to the point where he could have a good quality of life, where he could be happy and enjoy some of the simple pleasures of a dog’s life like rolling in the grass and going for walks in the pastures and getting excited when the deer passed by the yard. And he got there!! He ate very special food and had to take a lot of medication. He got up to a healthier 117 lbs and settled in to live life on his terms. It took a dedicated effort on the part of our staff who loved him and attended to all of his daily needs and our wonderful veterinarians whose medical care kept him comfortable. But truly, the rest came from him…
Maximilian was an inspiration to us all. He just never gave up!! It was as though, despite everything that he had to deal with, he was going to enjoy every minute that he had. Perhaps that was a large part of why he beat all of the odds and, despite the prognosis of 6 to 8 weeks that he was given in 2020, he was with us for 2 ½ years.
And now he is gone. We will mourn his loss, each in our own way. And as time passes, we will be able to remember his goofy antics, how he loved his walks, how he enjoyed his baths, how his idea of a fun time was to bump his 117 lbs of bulk into you and perhaps most of all the spirit and love of life he showed us every day. We were blessed to have Maximilian in our care. We are richer for having had him in our lives…
When you see the sunrise, think of me.
When the cool breeze touches you, know I am free.
When you feel the sorrow of us being apart,
Know I am not lost; I am a part of your heart.
by Stephanie Laird

PASSED – 2022
Missy and her full sister Jade came to us at the end of 2019. They were already 13 years old when they arrived at Dog Lodge but they were in pretty good health. Both of them loved to play and could get pretty rambunctious.
But in the summer of 2021, Missy had to deal with a medical condition called vestibular disease. This is a disease that affects the vestibular system which is responsible for balance. Luckily, her symptoms were only moderate and within a couple of weeks, most of them had resolved. But Missy was just never the same after that. It was as if her whole personality had changed. She could no longer stay with her sister because Jade who sensed Missy’s weakness, began to pick on her. So, we accommodated the separation.
For the most part, Missy was still enjoying her walks and lying in the sun in the yard. She still ate well and liked being in the company of some of the other very quiet dogs. But, as the months passed, Missy began to enjoy all of those things less and less. She began to have difficulty walking, and then had trouble getting up. She became less interested in finishing her food and then she just wasn’t interested in her food at all.
At the end, Missy told us that she was ready to say goodbye. She was 16 years old and unlike some, she had been well-loved in her life. Her end was peaceful in my arms.
Missy was a special girl, and yes, we loved her dearly to the end…
I’ve grown old, my health is bad,
It is hard to walk and stand.
It’s time to go – you understand,
my life is no longer grand.
Please think of me with loving
Thoughts, and wipe away your
Tears, for God in all His wisdom
Has counted out my years.
Be assured you’ve done the right
Thing, you’ve ended all my pain.
Your heart will hurt for just a
While, then learn to love again.
Goodbye my wonderful family,
Goodbye my very best friend.
I thank you for this time we had,
You loved me to the end.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2024
Jet was a 9-year old black Labrador Retriever when she entered the Dog Lodge program in 2019 and we were delighted to have her with us.
In 2017, Jet had begun to show signs of ambulatory paralysis of her lower hind legs. She went through an initial medical evaluation during which x-rays of her spine were taken. She had been referred to the veterinary hospital at TX A&M. An MRI revealed cyst-like lesions located centrally within her spinal cord. The sacs in the lesions were filled with a fluid which was drained. Unfortunately, no one was able to determine why Jet developed the cystic lesions and though everyone was hopeful that removing the fluid may have ultimately led to her regaining the use of her hind legs, she never walked again. Ultimately, she came to live with us…
Jet was measured for a wheelchair when she arrived and once she was on wheels, there was no stopping her. “Jet” was a perfect name for this gal!!
This loving dog had the sweetest personality. Cuddling was one of her favorite activities. She loved everyone she met, and all the Dog Lodge residents welcomed her into the group with open paws.
We were blessed to have Jet with us for 4 years. When it was her time, we chose to believe that now she is running free on 4 good legs, surrounded by all of the friends who were waiting for her…
She is a wonderful example for all of us – no matter what life throws at you, keep moving forward…
Remember me with smiles not tears,
For all the joy through all the years.
Recall the closeness that was ours,
A love as “sweet” as fragrant flowers.
Don’t dwell on thoughts that cause you pain,
We’ll see each other once again.
I am at peace…try to believe,
It was my time…I had to leave.
But what a view I have from here,
I see your face, I feel you near,
I follow you throughout the day,
You’re not alone along the way.
And when God calls you, you will be by my side…
Right here with me.
Till then, I’ll wait by heaven’s door,
We’ll be united evermore!

PASSED – 2021
First came diabetes… then Cushings…and then she lost her sight. The insulin injections controlled the diabetes but with the onset of Cushings matters became far more complicated. This spunky little pug/schnauzer mix lived most of her senior years on her terms, enjoying life, always with her sister Mia very close. But the last few months of her 15th year her health worsened and it seemed that she no longer enjoyed doing the things that used to bring her so much happiness. She just got tired… the spark was gone…
We miss you, Bella. We miss your quirky personality; we miss giving you the belly rubs you loved so much…
You will live in our hearts forever…
Over the
“Rainbow Bridge” you went,
I always knew
you were Heaven sent.
I cherish our time spent together
Til we meet again…I love you forever!
By Angelina LaFera

PASSED – 2021
Mia and Bella were twin sisters. But their health problems were totally different. Mia suffered seizures, the cause of which was never determined. She took anti-seizure medications and for the most part they significantly reduced the number of seizures and also the severity of them. Like Bella, Mia was a happy senior who could be just a little bit stubborn but who would sit beside you to get her pats and paw you continuously if you stopped patting her before she was ready for you to stop. But like her sister, halfway through her 15th year her health took a dramatic turn for the worse. Her liver failed, her sight failed and she became very, very confused. When she lost here sister, it was as if she lost all interest in living. She told it was time to go…
I choose to believe that Mia is reunited with Bella in a wonderful place where both can run and play and always enjoy good health. We will miss Mia as we miss her sister and never forget the joy she brought to all of us.
Your memory is a beautiful joy
That will live in our hearts
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2021
Paolo passed at the age of 15. He was a Golden Retriever that gave new meaning to the description “Velcro dog”. He made friends with everyone – the other dogs and everybody who worked at or visited Dog Lodge. He was so clever and definitely loved to cuddle.
But time caught up with Paolo and his health began to decline. Soon he let us know that it was time to go.
He took with him a piece of my heart…
He took a piece of all of our hearts…
The moment that you left me
My heart split in two
One side filled with memories
The other side died with you.
I often lay awake at night when the
World is fast asleep, and take a
Walk down memory lane with
Tears upon my cheek.
Remembering you is easy,
I do it every day.
But missing you is a heartache
That never goes away.
I hold you tightly
Within my heart
And there you will remain.
As my life goes on without you, but will
Never be the same.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2020
How would I have described this wonderful old boy? Independent, single-minded, sweet and gentle….
This was a dog that came from a loving home. But circumstances were such that his owner had to make a brave and desperate decision. He asked if we could take his old boy and love him the way he did and make sure that he had everything that he needed to make his very golden years special. Remy fit right in with the rest of our residents even though he towered over most of them. They all just accepted this new hairy guy and so… Remy was home.
Remy lived with us for 2 years. The time went by far too quickly. We feel blessed to have had him with us – to be able to care for him and love him.
Thank you, Peter, for entrusting him to our care. I know you miss him. We will miss him too…
God saw you getting tired
When a cure was not to be.
So, he closed his arms around you
And whispered “Come to me.”
In tears we saw you sinking.
We watched you fade away.
Our hearts were truly broken,
You fought so hard to stay.
But when we saw you sleeping
Peacefully and free of pain,
We could not wish you back
To suffer that again.
So, keep your arms around him, Lord
And give him special care.
Make up for all he suffered
That seemed to be unfair.
So many times we’ve needed you,
So many times we’ve cried.
If love could have saved you,
You never would have died.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2019
Maxtoo has left us.
I will never forget his hoarse, little bark. I will never forget how he ate every meal as if he’d never eaten before. I will never forget how he loved his long naps in the same place on the carpet in front of the sofa. And I will never forget how he would bump my leg with his forehead when he wanted attention.
Maxtoo was a sweet old dog who brought us joy every day. We were so fortunate to be his caregivers for his last year. Goodbye dear Maxtoo – we will miss you…. Run free, run fast, run far…
I’m Free
Don’t grieve for me
For now I’m free.
I’ve left behind some misery.
My days of youthful agility
Were no longer a possibility.
My weak joints and cloudy eyes
Were longing for the heavenly skies.
Before I lost all dignity
You let me enter eternity.
Don’t grieve for me,
You’ve set me free.
Just remember how I used to be!
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2018
I am deeply saddened to tell you that Rocky passed away in his sleep early on Sunday morning, October 21, 2018. He had been admitted to the clinic for further evaluation of his severe arthritic condition on Monday the 15th. On Friday he suddenly began suffering from syncopal episodes. In addition, he had an increased heart rate even at rest, and increased cardiac irregularities called premature ventricular contractions. It is believed that these changes were associated with right-sided heart disease due to his heartworm infection. Dr. Fisher, Dr. Roset and Dr. Michalec were in constant attendance but Rocky did not respond to medications. Many thanks to the doctors who tried so hard to save Rocky’s life.
Rocky was only with us at Dog Lodge for a short time but he was dear to all of us. Even with all of his problems, he wagged his tail and was always ready for hugs and rubs. We will never forget how he loved his slow walks and found joy in putting his nose in the air to pick up whatever scents he could catch. We will never forget how gentle and loving he was…
So, my heart is heavy. Rocky’s passing is a sad reminder about how difficult our job is – trying to provide quality of life to a dog that has possibly never known a gentle touch, a kind word or enjoyed the care that each and every dog deserves. At least Rocky had some time living with people who quickly came to love him and admire his courage….
Goodbye Rocky… We will miss you…
I miss you my sweet dog.
I cry.
I look at my tears fondly though
For each tear
Represents to me
One minute of you
Loving me
One minute of me loving you
During the
Precious moments
We shared
While you were
Here with me.
I’ve cried an ocean.
Author Unknown

PASSED – 2018
This is the second time in a month that I have had to say good-bye to one of our beloved Dog Lodge dogs. When Riley came to us in the spring of this year, he was very sick. Our wonderful veterinarians were able to get most of his problems under control but the one thing they couldn’t fix was his enlarged heart that was having to work way too hard. He was taking a laundry list of meds to help him cope and, in fact, was stable throughout the summer and into fall. But time was not on Riley’s side. His heart was just too fragile.
As is always the case, we wish we could have had Riley with us for much, much longer. We will miss having him on our laps asking for more hugs and rubs. We will miss his quiet tolerance during all of the many medical examinations. We will miss how he loved his baths and especially sleeping in the dryer unit with lovely warm air gently blowing over him.
I found a prayer that I would like to share in Riley’s name. I don’t know who the author is, but the thought is written far more eloquently than I could have done.
Heavenly Father, Creator of all things,
Thank you for having entrusted us with such a loyal friend.
Thank you for letting this beautiful animal teach us unselfish love.
Thank you for the memories we can recall to brighten our days for the rest of our lives.
Finally, in gratitude, we return our cherished companion to you.
Author Unknown
Goodbye Riley… You will be missed…

PASSED – 2018
She was a very small dog and she was so sweet. She was surrendered to a shelter and the shelter reached out to us. We took her to our veterinary clinic for immediate evaluation. An infection of some kind but of immediate concern was the huge mammary tumor that hung to the floor – it had to be removed. Complications during surgery from a reaction to anesthesia. Cerebral hypoxia… Despite the heroic efforts of the veterinary team working on Paris, she lost the battle.
Paris never made it to Dog Lodge. We never had the chance to care for her and love her and make up for her abandonment. A painful reminder that life is so fragile and so very precious. Despite our best efforts, she couldn’t come home.
Goodbye sweet Paris….
Whenever I feel sorrow come over me,
I imagine you’re racing beyond the Rainbow Bridge
With all the beloved dogs I’ve lost in the past.
My sadness quickly turns to delight;
You deserve this joyous afterlife.
Author Unknown